Welcome to Jane's gallery
Enjoy your stay!
My bluesky
my Twitch
My Youtube channel
This is my own room for my art and minor things for my own convienience.Thanks for staying by. Main contents of my Gallery are mostly:
- Pokemon Side-games/spin-offs (as well as pokemon species) Like Pokemon Colosseum,or Pokemon battle revolution, My pokemon ranch!
- Capcom Fighting games, Street fighter III (2nd impact/3rd strike), Street fighter Alpha 3 and Darkstalkers series in particular
- As well my own original stuff that I wanna make a room for
- Other may appear like Kirby, OFF, Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne, Viewtiful Joe, TF2, depends on my liking and mood
Once I manage to fully customise my site properly,I'll see